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The South African University Capacity Development Programme is a major government initiative to enable capacity development in three focus areas:
Student development
Staff development
Program and curriculum development.
The government directs government grant dollars to research and data-driven programs working to improve teaching, learning and researching to enhance the quality of South African colleges and universities.
Supporting the South African University Capacity Development Programme
The United States - South Africa Higher Education Network is committed to the success of the South African University Capacity Development Programme.
To support this work we are focused on the following core action items:
Dedicating resources and sharing best practices to decrease the dropout rate and increase the on-time graduation rate, particularly among black students.
Expanding collaboration with American institutions of higher education to increase the number of students who enroll in graduate and doctoral programs.
Making investments to increase the faculty to student ratio and train more local South African academic faculty.
Promoting equitable participation in research projects and improving the quality and utilization of projects.
Collaboration with American multi-national corporations and local South African businesses to grow the degree to employment pipeline.
It's time to transform higher education in South Africa
University Capacity Building
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Get involved
Sign up to learn how you can get involved with our University Capacity Building Initiative
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