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The people of the United States and South Africa can learn a lot from each other. Both countries have proud people, innovative companies, vibrant cultures and many mutually shared challenges.
Currently, the United States serves as the top study abroad destination for South African students and South Africa serves as a top study abroad destination for American students. Academic faculty regularly participate in exchange programs between both countries.
To strengthen the bond between our countries and give more students and faculty a unique opportunity to learn, grow and collaborate, we must expand academic exchange opportunities.
Let's strengthen the bond between the US and
South Africa through academic exchanges
It's time to learn more from each other
The United States - South Africa Higher Education Network is committed to expanding student and faculty exchanges.
To support this work we are focused on the following core action items:
Conducting engaging marketing campaigns promoting studying abroad in each other's countries.
Expanding the number of institutions of higher education with direct study abroad and faculty exchange partnerships.
Partnering with institutions of higher education, government agencies and foundations to direct more financial support to joint research projects.
Facilitating professional development programming for academic faculty from both countries with a focus on learning from shared experiences to address the challenges of today and tomorrow.
Student and faculty exchange
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Get involved
Sign up to learn how you can get involved with our Student and Faculty Exchange Initiative
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